Do You Have A Construction Project We Can Help With?

Building & Revamp Inspiring Spaces

Building human sized new  construction with higher standards. Revamp Buildings, take the better of the time patina, and get revamped buildings with a soul.

Meet Our Team

The dream team to get your projects further, and take care of our valuable customers.

George Johnson
George JohnsonCommercial Director
George is in direct contact with customers. Customers and their needs are at the center of our concerns.
Émilie Berkley
Émilie BerkleyOperations Director
Émilie is in charge of all the paper works. A very important task to let all of our professional team take care about you.
Christian Rega
Christian RegaCreative Director
Christian is a specialist in construction and buildings refits since 2008. A professional to dialog with, and get the desired result from your works.

Recent Works

Here below are few example of our realization; including buildings and revamping of spaces. Feel free to contact us for further information about it.

Expert Partners Agree

« They build my house from foundation to roof; and all of finishing inside. An amazing work, made in time, and of high quality. We had to call them twice from a small problem with plumbing; they show-up very quickly and resolve it free of charge. Hope we will have means to build another house. It will be a pleasure to work with them again. »


« As Real Estate investor, I’m usual to work with such companies. It is the first time that I got such a good following and very nice people to deal with. We decided to work with them exclusively. Highly trusted peoples. »


Trusted Partners

Building and revamping constructions is a big deal. It’s a team work, we need partners; and we choose the best ones only. We are creating a positive environment for the profit of each other.

Get A Quote Today

Go ahead, and ask us for a quotation, it’s free, a it will change your life. You will get the best price-performance ratio.

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